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I have seen people with chronic irritable bowel, Chrons disease, lactose intolerance, fat intolerance and other issues have their complaints disappear in a short period of time after balancing their reflexes and using Asyra's laser detoxification. We also have APL neutritionals which are designed to clean the colon (biochol), cleanse the Liver, spleen, panacrease and intestines (whole Body Detox). Once the detoxification process is done many symptoms will already clear. Balancing the AK neurolymphatic reflexes and neurovascular reflexes also have a pronounced effect.

Gastric reflux:

Of course it may be necessary to rule out Helicobacter pylori infection and ulcer if you have been suffering this symptom for a long time. As always, rule out and address pathology first. The Asyra has shown this bacteria in several patients where the initial diagnosis was a hiatal hernia.

Many people choose to take medication for gastric reflux. Drugs are toxic foreign substances. They only address the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. Very often the simple act of chewing your food thoroughly and eating slowly will bring this problem under control. Limiting starches is often helpful. Very often a lack of hydrochloric acid (HCl) or pancreatic enzymes cause reflux. AK and BEM provides the tools to help you to find the optimum nutrition for this problem. By balancing the weakened tissues the body is able to heal. Homeopathic remedies like nux vomica stimulate the body to correct the abnormality. AK reflexes we believe improve the vascular supply and improve the lymphatic drainage thereby creating homeostasis.

Some dietary changes that may help gastric reflux include:

  • Avoid refined sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Avoid hydrogenated oils and fried foods
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables
  • Find and eliminate hidden food allergies
  • There are hands-on techniques to help relieve hiatal hernia

Sometimes supplements can relieve this symptom. Of course nutritional therapy is both an art and a science and supplementation should be individualized. A chiropractor trained in applied kinesiology can help you determine which supplement or digestive aid is best, and is trained in the technique to relieve hiatal hernia.

Hiatal hernia:

The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. It has three openings to allow the vena cava (major vein of the body), the aorta (major artery of the body) and the esophagus to pass through.

The muscle fibers of the diaphragm wrap around both sides of the esophagus. They act like a valve, keeping the stomach and its contents below the diaphragm in the abdominal cavity.

The diaphragm, like any other muscle, can be weak. Weakness in the diaphragm can allow the stomach to move up through the opening for the esophagus. When this occurs, acid from the stomach gets into the esophagus causing pain and burning.

Applied kinesiologytechniques are designed to find and correct weak muscles, including the diaphragm. The kinesiologist works on nerve reflexes, vertebral subluxations and other factors to immediately strengthen a weak muscle. The results are often miraculous. This works very well on many cases of gastric reflux.

Small intestine:

The small intestine is approximately 20 feet long. Its irregular surface, full of projections called villi and microvilligive it a surface area approximately the size of four tennis courts. The cells of the small intestine secrete enzymes to break down food and they absorb nutrients.

Poor diet, infestation with bacteria, yeast or parasites, food allergies, poor hydrochloric acid production, poor pancreatic enzyme production. Problems with the small intestine can lead to poor nutrient absorption; you don�t get the nutrients even if you are eating properly. This can lead to gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain. The cells of the small intestine can atrophy, reducing enzyme production and nutrient absorption. This can lead to fatigue, allergies, digestive problems and many other chronic health problems.

Of course not everyone needing digestive and small intestine support will have all of the symptoms listed below. Also, some of these symptoms can be indicative of problems elsewhere in the GI tract. This is just a guideline to be gone over with your health care practitioner.

  • Fatigue after eating
  • Narcolepsy
  • Gas or bloating after meals
  • Abdominal pain
  • Disaccharidase deficiencies (lactose intolerance for example).
  • Intolerance to certain foods
  • Malabsorption
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Feel better if you don’t eat

Problems with the small intestine mean problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients. This can lead to many nutritional deficiencies. These nutritional deficiencies can be responsible for symptoms like dry skin, eczema, fatigue, depression, acne, allergies, insomnia, inability to gain weight, inability to lose weight, menstrual problems, and immune system problems. Any organ or system in the body can be affected.

Ileocecal valve:

The ileocecal valve separates the contents of the small intestine from the contents of the large intestine. The valve can be dysfunctional in one of two ways. It can be “stuck” open or closed.

If the valve stays open, toxic contents from the large intestine can get into the small intestine. The large intestine contains toxic waste to be removed from the body. The small intestine absorbs nutrients. An open ileocecal valve is a lot like having your septic tank drain into your well.

If the ileocecal valve is closed, it allows waste material to stay in the small intestine too long. The closed valve also causes toxic material to be absorbed back into the body.

An open or closed ileocecal valve can cause a variety of symptoms, many of which do not seem to involve the bowel. These include:

Shoulder pain

Low back pai


Flu-like symptoms

Busitits-like pain

Ringing in the ears


Sinus congestion



Dark circles under the eyes

Bowel problems

Treatment includes making sure that you drink adequate water. You also need to avoid certain foods like: raw fruits and vegetables (short term), high fiber foods (like whole grains, popcorn and nuts), spicy foods, cocoa, chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol. It is allowed (even encouraged) to eat cooked vegetables. These short term dietary changes are to reduce the irritation to the valve. There are also certain supplements that can help to heal the lining of the digestive tract and the irritated valve. Applied kinesiologyprovides to tools to know which supplements are appropriate for you.

There are points that can be stimulated to assist the nervous system in correcting this problem. Also, holding an open ileocecal valve closed or a closed on open can help to alleviate symptoms.

Come into the office for an evaluation and we will determine if you need to address problems with the ileocecal valve, treat it and show you the appropriate points to stimulate.

Causes of digestive problems:

The number one cause of digestive problems is a diet high in refined foods. Eating a lot of sugar and starch stresses the small intestine and can lead to atrophy of the villi and micro villi. Also, when considering problems with the digestive system, problems often start higher up in the GI tract. There may not be enough enzymes produced by the pancreas or enough hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach.

Dietary / Lifestyle guidelines:

Along with the advice of your health practitioner, follow the following advice:

Avoid refined sugar and refined carbs Refined foods are stressful to the digestion and promote yeast overgrowth.

Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oil: Hydrogenated oil promotes inflammation.

Eat plenty of fresh, raw vegetables: Vegetables contain bioflavenoids which are powerful antioxidants (i.e. they protect the cells). They contain fiber which improves bowel transit time and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria. Eating raw vegetables helps improve digestion. Of course if there is a problem with the ileocecal valve, this rule does not apply (at least for a short time). Call us for a consultation and we can help you to determine what the optimum diet is for you.

Drink eight 8-oz. glasses of pure water:One major cause of constipation is inadequate water consumption.

Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing:Chewing food thoroughly makes digestion easier. It breaks the food down into easily digestible pieces, mixes it with salivary enzymes (which begin to break down the starches), and the mixing with saliva lubricates the food. Incompletely digested food can be a source of irritation to the intestine.

It may be necessary to avoid gluten grains and dairy foods. It may be a good idea to test for and eliminate hidden food allergies:
Dr Cliff trained in applied kinesiology and Bioenergetic Medicine will help you to identify foods that you should be avoiding. The Asyra and N.A.E.T. have shown clearing of many allergic symptoms. Our best patients are those that have had crhonic digestive issues where traditional medicine hasnt resolved it or found the cause.


The two main things to consider when constipation is a problem are whether or not you are getting adequate fiber and water. One common occurrence is the patient who takes psyllium seed or other fiber source and is still very constipated; in fact it seems as if the fiber supplement is making him or her more constipated. Most of the time fiber causes this problem when there is inadequate water consumption. If drinking an adequate amount of water doesn’t do the trick, bile salts may be needed. Coffee, tea, soda pop and juice don’t count; you need to drink enough water.

A doctor knowledgeable in applied kinesiology can make a thorough evaluation and help you make dietary decisions to help with your particular condition. Applied kinesiology treatment can also be directed toward the nervous system to help correct the problem.