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Homeopathy Miasmic Remedies

By Clifford Fruithandler DC

Miasmatic remedies are used to strengthen the body against genetic weaknesses that give an individual predispositions towards specific maladies or disease processes. Here are a few examples as found in the Asyra protocols. These are new to me and are most interesting. The idea of preventing genetic disorders from unfolding couild be the ultimate in a Wellness prevention practice. This is perhaps the most difficult to prove as if symptoms never come, one would never know if they would have without treatment. Anything is possible.

Luesinum: This remedy is used for susceptibilities that include: nerves, nervous system, mucous membranes, bone disorders, shifting rheumatic pains, and severe types of neuro-arthritic disorders. One or many of these symptoms may manifest in an individual or family. If the weakness continues to progress it may also affect the mental sphere creating hopelessness, horrid depression, insomnia, or nervousness

Medorrhinum: This remedy is used for susceptibilities that include: chronic female disorders, chronic rheumatism, mucousal tissues, great disturbances and irritability of the nervous system. One or many of these symptoms may manifest in an individual or family. If the weakness continues to progress it may also affect the mental sphere creating innability to concentrate, weak memory, melancholy, easily startled, hurried or anxious.

Carsinosinum: This remedy is used for susceptibilities that include: multiple allergies, chronic fatigue, cancerous affections, diabetes, lymphatic disorders, brittle bones, mononucleosis, pheumonia, and rheumatoid arthritis. One or many of these symptoms may manifest in an individual or family. If the weakness continues to progress it may also affect the mental sphere creating anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Tuberculinum: This remedy is used for susceptibilities that include: kidneys, eyes, ears, lungs, larynx, head, and occiput. One or many of these symptoms may manifest in an individual or family. If the weakness continues to progress it may also affect the mental sphere creating dissatisfaction, restlessness, always wants a change, depression, contradictory behavior, changing moods, aversion to mental work, or irritability especially when awakening.

The modern homoepath now has computerized frequency medicine at their disposal. The Asyra reads out the frequency abnormality and prepares the remedy. This entire concept is hard for me to believe or understand, yet all the other aspects of the Asrya and Homeopathy proved themselves to me over the last 2 years. Below is an article on Miasmic remedy by Peter Morell that explain the hows and the from where's. This aspect of Homepathy is greek to me, yet is easy to formuilate in our diagnostics and treatment. Its much like driving a car. I can be an excellent driver, I don't have to know how the internal combustion engine works to use it.

by Peter Morrell

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